It's that time to look back and reflect on the past before venturing into the new year.

So we took a look back at this year's best performing posts and decided to do a count down, starting at our # 10 post.
The tenth most visited post with almost 43oo page views was Leo's tutorial on how to make your own tomato cages. He should know-he's made over 50 of them.
Coming in at number 9 with 0ver 4900 page views was my fried green tomatoes recipe.
The eighth most visited post, viewed about 5100 times, was our tomato planting tips. In 2013 we had a bumper crop of tomatoes, so those tips really worked for us.
Coming in at # 7 was how to make a burlap topiary which was viewed about 5300 times just showing that using burlap to decorate was still a hot trend during 2013.
Number 6 was the post about our DIY pot holder plant stand with over 5400 views.
The fifth most viewed post was easy fabric hearts with almost 6100 visits. With Valentine's Day on its way, you may want to check this one out.
The 4th most visited post was how to burnish cheap plastic gourds and pumpkins with over 6700 views. Seems like a lot of people are into decorating on the cheap.
The post we did about our kitchen updates was visited over 10,000 times making it our number 3 post. The ruffled stool cover got a tremendous amount of attention when we showed our new sink, faucet, and skirt that we added over the summer.
Our number 2 post was topsy turvy galvanized buckets with over 15,000 visits thanks to a lot of folks who shared and featured it. Even though we're in the dead of winter, the buckets, planted now with cool season annuals, are still looking good on our back deck.
And our number 1 post was Homemade Canned Spaghetti Sauce with over 61,000 page views! Yes, the sauce tastes as good as it looks!
Analyzing the most popular posts of this past year has helped us determine what kinds of posts to bring you in 2014. You can betcha we'll be showing you more about how to get started growing, preserving, and preparing your own food.
Thank y'all for our most successful year yet at Cottage at the Crossroads. As always, your comments are invaluable to us so let us know what was your favorite post.
JoAnn @ SweetPepperRose
Jane, your projects are always so awesome! I'm in a sewing mood so I may "copy" some of those fabric hearts 😉
I'm so looking forward to the Windham garden for 2014. Especially the white pumpkins!
Marilyn Lawhon
Jane I made your mothers lemon silk for dessert today. It was great! Thanks for sharing.
Pat Powell
I love all your post esp the ones about gardening. Since my husband & I have retired, we are now able to do so many of the things we have never had time when he traveled so much with his job. We tried some of Leo's tricks in our garden this year & had very good results. I canned the spaghetti sauce & we have enjoyed all Winter. Please keep up the wonderful posts. I always look forward when I see your post pop up in my E-Mail. God bless you & Leo in 2014.
Enjoyed every one of those posts! I especially emjoyed the kitchen update. Wanted to make a cover for the stool in my kitchen, however the new kitten, Bad Baby would have too much fun with it I am afraid. Looking forward to seeing what you have to show us in 2014! I know that it will be fabulous!!!
Ms. Jackie of all Trades SpoolTeacher
Ms. SpoolTeacher stole one of your "Easy to Make Fabric Hearts" pictures to feature in her own how-to make Valentines Day Puffy Hearts/"I Love You, Lon Chaney" post because she thinks yours are fabby! and just loves to visit your site. Of course she linked them to here. Thank you. Please let her know if it is a problem.
Love your review Jane! Your canning and tomato growing amaze me! Looking forward to more in 2014! Wishing you, Lucy, Rascal, Henry and last but not least Leo 🙂 a Happy & Healthy New Year!
Pat @ LifeAtLydiasHouse
Great review of your great projects. I can't believe your spaghetti sauce had more views than your cute kitchen! I am sure the spaghetti sauce is delicious but your kitchen may be my all time favorite in blogland! Happy New Year to you and Leo!
Kelly @ Eclectically Vintage
To two of my favorite people with the most amazing projects! Love your garden and your topsy turvey planter!!! Here's to an even more amazing 2014 - cheers my friends!!
Shirley@Housepitality Designs
Jane…while I love each and every one of your posts, I must say that the post with the fabric hearts touched my heart ever so much…for you see, I introduced your blog to my life long friend, Ruth..she so loved seeing your projects and goings on at the cottage…She LOVED your fabric hearts and she made them…I remember her sending a picture of them to me of the ones she had made and placed in her grandmother's dough bowl…My dear friend past away several months ago…I think of her every day…and now that I saw your beautiful fabric hearts again, memories flooded back of the day she told me she was going to make those…I thank you for inspiring Ruth and making her happy…Happy New Year dear Jane and Leo!
SheilaG @ Plum Doodles
Looking forward to learning all about gardening and canning- there may just be hope for me yet! 🙂
Shelly @
LOVE the tomato cages! Gonna put Hubby to work as soon as we can see grass again. lol
Thanks so much for the inspiration.
Mary Beth|Cupcakes and Crinoline
I cannot pick a favorite ~ I love each and EVERY ONE of your top posts, Jane. They are all so delightful!
A big hug and wishes for the best year ever to you and Leo.
Great inspiration Jane ! I "need "one of those galvanized bucket planters ! Happy New Year !
Pat@Back Porch Musings
I enjoyed your review so much, Jane! Great projects.
Beth@Unskinny Boppy
Yep, you guys are awesome! Please keep up the fresh food/ canning posts! So many in my generation were not taught this skill by our grandparents and parents, but it's something we all need to know, in my opinion. I love you guys, and I'm so happy to know you! Keep up the excellent work, and see you in 2014!
Savannah Granny
WOW, awesome! I do remember most of them. Have a healthy and happy new year.
Jean Windham
This was a great idea Jane. I enjoyed looking back with you for the year and my favorite was the kitchen re-do. The colors, black and white skirt for the new sink cabinet and the kitchen stool really add up to a great look. Thanks for sharing. Jean
Nice recap of 2013, I can't wait to see what's in store for the new year!
Great posts!! I always enjoy your blog . Happy New Year!!
Jane I love everything you and Leo create. Keep it up and I look forward to what you come up with in 2014.
Lavender Dreams
It's been a fabulous year in blogland. I've loved your printables! Now I'm off to see the hearts! Enjoy your weekend my friend! Happy New Year!