This weekend we did a mini-makeover of our laundry room, which is located on our back porch. It's a small room and not only does it serve as a laundry room, it is our mudroom, our junk room, the cat box room, and the animal food storage room.

Because it is used so heavily, it gets junky and dirty very quickly. I don't have a before picture, but you can just imagine how much stuff was on our porch. And it was visible to everyone who came to our back door.
Storage is always an issue when you live in a small house. Last Monday, we spotted a tall cabinet at the auction that we thought would fit beside our washer and dryer. We bid on it and got it for $20!
The cabinet had plenty of shelves which were covered with adhesive shelf paper. The first thing I did was to remove that yucky paper!
Because I knew I was going to paint the cabinet, I decided to prime it first with Kilz. It took 2 coats to cover the stain.
I already had this aqua paint left over from another project. The shade is Aqua Glow by Valspar. I left the shelves and inside of the cabinet unpainted. After 2 coats dried, I pulled out my Annie Sloan waxes. I mixed the clear and dark waxes together to "age" the piece.
So here it is, and I have to say that I love the color!
You can see here how well it goes with the original ceiling on the porch.
I cleared off the two shelves of detergent and other assorted things which left room for us to store our hats. They are a necessary item when you work outside as much as we do!
On top of the cabinet are some recent auction finds. LOVE the Gold Dust washing powder bag!
I made room on my shelves for this plant. It stays on the porch year round.
There are 3 windows on the porch, and this piece is hanging in one of them. We had it hanging in our other house in a round window. We bought it in Charleston one year during Spoleto.
So when I was at a recent flower show, I spotted this gorgeous plant hanger for my hanging basket.
It really dresses up my hanging basket.
I made these curtains right after we moved here, and I'm going to replace the pink rick-rack with some aqua rick-rack that I saw recently.
There is a small table on the back porch on which Rascal is sitting. Underneath it is the litter box. If you look closely, you can see Henry's tail as he's going in. And yes, there is a microwave oven on the table. Our kitchen is small, and there isn't much room for it in there, so we store it on the porch. We mostly use it for popcorn.
This fabric skirt hides the litter box, but after 3 years, it needs to be replaced. I'm looking for a new rug, and I plan to paint the top of the little table to match the cabinet.
In front of one window, there is a pine shelf that the cats like to sit on to look out onto the world. They are indoor cats. I actually picked up these little figurines at the auction. They were on the ground and no one wanted them.
So now when people come to our back door, the laundry room is more organized. All the junk is hidden from sight in our new laundry room cabinet!
phyllis panza
Jane, love the laundry room, colors and especially the cupboard; love those. makes doing laundry a more pleasant chore. love the scale and sack. wondering if there is really detergent in there or just for display. you and leo are doing wonders.
Jane Windham
No, there's no detergent in the old detergent sack. It's just stuffed with some old rags! Thanks Phyllis!
Love that turquoise Jane in your laundry room. Those curtains are nice too.
Our laundry is in the mudroom, back entrance,screen porch...whatever room!
I think mudroom suites it is a mess most of the time.
The worst part...EV.ER.Y BODY sees it that comes here. The bathroom is off to one end, and our bedroom is at the other. The whole back section was added after the house was moved to this property.
A bit quirky... but I like it.
I love how homey your cottage is... this laundry room is even homey and inviting! ~Pat
Karen @ My Reclaimed Haven
Looks great--I have an area next to my washer and dry about the same size with cabinets above--a little bit shorter version would be perfect--I'm on the hunt!
Love the plant hanger. I like a live plant in every room....seems to give it life! Very nice.
Mrs. Jones from the Circus
Hi Jane. I love that your new cabinet matches your old ceiling to a T. Perfect!! Your laundry/porch is adorable.
Jane~ That cabinet looks like it was cut to fit your space! It looks great with the color the ceiling, which I LOVE. Your washing powder bag is wonderful! Wishing you a Happy Mother's Day 🙂
Jean Windham
I cannot believe you were able to find a cabinet the exact right size for the space. Great job on the color match for the ceiling paint. Did you save some of the color from the ceiling or you remembered the color. I love the shelves with all the old hats. Very charming. Great job. Jean
What an awesome makeover!!! I'm so excited for you. Also I wanted to tell you what a beautiful garden you have. Seeing all of these beautiful gardens in blogville as inspired me to try to do something with my rock hard yard here in sunny AZ.
Kammy Wielenga
Oh love the new refreshing look! My fave colors! A $20 makeover is MY KIND OF MAKEOVER!!!! My personal peeve is people who brag about there under $500 (or whatever) renos. Shhhhh. 🙂
Stephanie @ The Cozy Old Farmhouse
Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment on our little ranch house. I miss the country, but not that tiny kitchen. : )
Your laundry room makeover looks great!
Jane, your posts are always such fun to read and view. You make the readers feel right there with you. I'm loving seeing everything you and Leo add or change about your cottage and garden. Thanks, Helen
Susan in SC
You know I love everything that you do! This is just wonderful. I love the cabinet and how you refinished it for the room. Rascal is a sweetie! I know he enjoys his new room!
First off I love the plant hanger so pretty! Love the aqua and how it all ties in with everything! It is perfect!
What a great find. I really like the color it is so fresh and cheery. My laundry room needs tons of help. It is on my project list that seems to be never ending.
Your cabinet is a purr-fect fit! Love the color!
Keeping it Cozy
It looks fresh and charming! I love your cupboard... I too have a tall cupboard in our laundry room. It's the perfect thing to use in an old house with limited storage!
love the green you picked out & I totally agree with getting organized! Thanks for visiting & comment! xo nancy elizabeth
I love that ceiling and the color you painted it. I would have picked up the kitty statue too!
Shirley@Housepitality Designs
Jane...your laundry room is so very the hats and all the accessories...I have an original Gold Dust Soap box...I have collected vintage laundry items for some time now....Great color for the cabinet....and it couldn't have been a better fit in that space!!....The cute space makes laundry not such a chore....well, maybe not such a bigger chore....Have a great day!
Carlene @ Oganized Clutter
Oh my goodness, PERFECT fit!
What a fun makeover! Adding that fabulous color really brought your busy area to life!
Love the new look in your laundry room. Aqua is one of my favorite colors +brown.
Dolly Sarrio
I love what you have done. That cabinet will give you much needed storage and for $20 you can't beat that. I need a back porch....thanks for the inspiration!
Barbara F.
Nice job on the cabinet. Love the color. xo
I love it! Love how it matches rascal's eyes too. That's so nice of you to fix the kitties a necessary spot too. Nicely done :o)
What a great makeover! I'm amazed at how well the cabinet paint matches the original ceiling color!
Awesome plant hanger! Love the color you painted the cabinet! Love the ceiling and the color too! I will have to borrow your idea for the litter box, there are never enough ways to hide that little neccesity for cat owners! There is a table in the laundry room that I could use for that purpose. Visiting your blog makes the wheels in my head turn!! Awesome makeover!!
Hi Jane, love your story, it's abut life and the best way to enjoy it no matter what. I am so happy I found your blog. Love the colour of the laundry cupboard and the plant brings a tear to my eye, my mother used to call it 'Creeping Charlie'. I have also been doing a little reno of fibro beach shack, it's been so much fun and ther has been some heartache but it's what I have always wanted to do - something for myself - Cheers! I think you may live in Raleigh North Carolina? if so I have been there several times for business? I do hope you pop on over to say hi and have apeek at the fibro beach house.
Jane a really smart makeover, the changes make a big difference!
Thanks for visiting!
Art by Karena