Hello everyone! Leo and I have been working on several projects lately, and we finally have this one ready to show you. It's our pot holder plant stand, and we've placed it on our back deck to welcome everyone who comes to our home.

I don't know about you, but our friends come to our back door, and this area needed a little sprucing up after this summer's heat.
This project all started when our friend Faye was having a garage sale. She asked me if I was interested in 2 of these tall wooden stands. She had used them years ago at her daughter's wedding. So I definitely said yes that I wanted them, even though I wasn't sure at the time what I would do with them.
Well, that was a few months ago, and I finally figured out what I would make with one of the stands. I asked Leo to cut the top off them to make them a little shorter.
I asked him to paint one of the stands green so that it would match some of the other painted items that we have around our home and yard. See, even the picnic table is painted this same color.
In the meantime, I painted some terracotta pots with colors that will work with some fall colors.
Before I put some soil in the pots, I placed a coffee filter in the bottom. Got that idea from Pinterest recently!
Then I planted some ivy and a few other plants that needed repotting into the painted pots.
Now, how many of you have seen this photo on Pinterest and you wondered how someone mounted those pots on that fence? Well, I have the secret!
Here it is! These are some pot holders that I found at the spring flower show at our local farmer's market. I had purchased some a few years ago, and they work very well and last forever. So I bought some more this spring. If you'd like some of these pot holders, let me know, and I'll send you the information. (I'm not getting paid to endorse these, I'm just telling you about a product that I've used.)
Here they are mounted onto the wooden stand.
See? Anyone can attach them. Ok, I'll admit it. Leo did that part for me!
I also decided to paint this old sign that used to hang by our back door.
We also purchased a plastic cap to put on top of the stand where the top had been cut.
It dresses up the top and the screw is for hanging the newly painted sign.
And here it is beside the old chair that we turned into a chair planter.
You can see that the color matches our bookcase plant stand that's on the deck.
Here's a close up of the sign that hangs on the stand.
This is what people will see when they come to our back door. You know how one thing leads to another, don't you?
Well, I think I'm going to stain the deck and paint the handrails soon. And you know that other stand that I haven't done anything with yet? I already have plans to turn it into a plant stand for the front porch!
Hi Jane,
I fell onto your website via "It All Started With Paint" and with each click of a link, I'm becoming more and more inspired. I looove your website!! (consider me a new follower).
Do you mind sending me the info on the hooks you used for your plant stand? I think that is one project I see myself finishing sooner than later. In the meantime....just hope you post often as you have me hooked!!
Love the plant stand with the pot hangers. I have been looking for these hangers for a long time. Could you please send me the info on where I can purchase them. Thanks...
tonia conner
Gotta Have it. I can see you are going to inspire me and cost me money. 🙂 Would you pleas send me information to purchase the post holders. I can make these so hubby won't delete you from my favorites. Actually I don't think he would have a clue how to even get on my computer as we have his and hers. I am so glad I have found your blog, It will help me decorate the shop and my home.
Your porch looks AMAZING! I am always trying to give my neighbor "home made" gifts for her garden/home and I would love to make her one of these plant stands. Please share the info on those plastic pot hangers!
Mary Grace Luton
Love the pot stand. Please share the info for the plastic pot hangers! Thanks!
I love your ideas, thanks for sharing them. I have been hunting easy and reasonable projects for my yard. Being on a very limited income makes it hard to purchase already made items. I love making my own too, so your ideas inspire me to get started again.
Hello ! Love the pots on the fence, and the wonderful pot stand you made. I would really
like the information on the plastic hooks, so I can purchase 🙂 Thanks Julie
please send me info on where I can purchase the pot holders (looks like heavy duty plastic) that attaches to posts and rails
Love this, would like info about the plant holders. Thank you
I would love to have info about the plant holders. Could use them for a garden wedding in August. Thanks. Lovely site.
Larry Lydon
Great display, lots of colour really brighten's an area up. Can you please tell me where I can get the plastic pot plant holders. I can use them on a fence Or a wall to brighten our place up. We have not seen them here in WA.
Congratulations on a great job
Larry & Isabell Lydon
10 Dunsborough Lakes Drive
WA 6281
Would like info regarding the pot holders. Beautiful site and project.
Lauren @momhomeguide
I love your plant stand -- it is very cute! I wish I could make one myself!
Zellie Calvert
I would love to make the Pot Post. Please send me info on where to get the pot holders. You did a great job on that and the chair!
Artificial Grass
Soil preference is also important. A pot filled with rosemary, bay and thyme should contain a sandy, sharply drained soil mix that mimics the Mediterranean conditions these plants prefer.
Kathy King
Where did you get the metal(I think) flowers on the sign and chair?
Gerry Riethmeier
I love the pot hooks. Where can I get them. Thanks so much. Your place looks so homey.
I'm interested in purchasing the pot hooks. Where can I get them? Thanks in advance.
Can you send the information on those pot holders? this looks like a wonderful project!
Jane Windham
Brenda, the stand is 54 inches tall including the base. But you could make it any height that you wanted.
Brenda V
How tall is the plant stand(wood)?
Please, please, please let me know where I can get some of those plastic pot holders!! I saw a similar project somewhere, but cannot locate the holders. I'm dying to use these in getting my herb garden vertical!
I would like more info about the potholders and where they can be purchased. This was a beautiful project. I love it. Thanks, Deb
Someone posted your idea of decorating a tree stump...I have a very tall stump that I would love to see covered in flower pots, along with my birdhouses. Could you please let me know where you found the pot holders so that I could purchase a few? Thank you!
Dana Caffrey
Such a love work! I now have an inspiration of what to do with my plants and garden. Thanks for sharing this and I'm looking forward to read more from you!
Please let me know where I can get a hold of those plastic pot holders. Thanks
[email protected]
I am really enjoying visiting your blog today. You and your hubby did a great job with the plant
stand. It just makes you want to come sit and visit for awhile.
Jane, your flowers are gorgeous. love the chair with flowers. Have a wonderful weekend.
Keeping it Cozy
How fun and what a cheerful greeting for your guests!
Those plant holder stands turned out great. The painted pots are pretty, too.
Adorable plant stand Jane! I love your combination of colors~ your sweet potato vine is thriving in the heat and looks great against the orange chair! My pots are so tired...I'm ready to pull everything out and plant fall but it's still too hot for violas!
Mary @ Ms Redo
Well I just love that! This is my first time to your blog, I found you through Google+. I'm going to enjoy reading through your blog today. Thanks for the tip on the coffee filter. Mary
Well, your back entry certainly looks inviting, Jane! That is such a great idea you came up with for the plant holder. I keep forgetting to use that coffee filter trick when I repot plants, & it's such a clever idea, too! You looked so cute with "drill in hand!"
Nan traylor
Hi, I love your site, and all the projects you show! I would love the info as to buying the plant holders I already have several places for the plant poles! Be well..Nan
Jane, You & Leo are amazing. That plant stand is a great idea. Love the color combination. Can't wait to see what you do next.
Beautiful! You guys did an awesome job with this plant stand! So pretty!
JoAnn @ SweetPepperRose
Sweet potting pole! love it!
Fabulous! I have some of those brackets. I got them at a garden shop downtown. Haven't used them yet. You have given me a great idea. Thanks for sharing. Ginger
Heather :) :) :)
Oh, I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the planters attached to the fence. That's such a cute idea 🙂 🙂 Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather 🙂
What a beautiful idea! It looks so good on your porch!
Very nice, Jane! You look so do it yourself with your drill. 🙂
We just bought some of the solar caps for the tops of our porch posts. I was dubious, but they are great and inexpensive too!
I would like to know about the pot hangers too. I wonder if they have them for larger pots.
I see you have diamond frost in one of your pots.
I love it, deer and drought resistant and can be planted early here as it tolerates the cold. We can't plant annuals until May 15 here in NY.
Belinda Cobb
Love it! I would like information on where to purchase the pot holders.
Love it !! So cute!
Great idea! Looks very welcoming! Interested to see what colors you will use for your front porch! 😉
Delighted to see that something associated with a special time in our lives has been enhanced and is now part of your lovely happy home.
Carlene @ Oganized Clutter
I love it how you two work together on all these great projects! Great back door welcome and good job on the sign too!
Hi first I love your red glasses I have been wanting red glasses and have to have an eye dr appt soon I was wondering where you got them from I am not in your area but maybe they are from a national chain. I am so glad I found your blog- through someones twitter account I look forward to following your adventure your animals are adorable and I really like your new plant stand. Please feel free to visit Ewe Creek Cottage
What a welcome! Coming to your back door would be a pleasure. It's warm and inviting and a brilliant idea! 🙂
Very nicely done, Jane and Leo! I love the green and black combination, too!
Jane and Leo, I just enjoy everything you share! You are a highlight in my day! Your home, your family, the wonderful time you share with your granddaughters, your beautiful granddaughters competition surfing @ Folly, your gardens, your canning, your recipes....thank you!
I was so happy for you two for your getaway weekend to a boat on the coast.
We are so blessed to live in the South!
Thanks for your inspiration!
This is absolutely adorable Jane! Thanks for sharing...I am pinning this to my outdoor garden inspiration, it just makes me smile and I adore it!
I love this! It was a lot of work too. You are so lucky that Leo makes such a good assistant!
Very pretty!! Nice combination the fresh green and black. Your plans are so lush!
Cheers, Gee
It looks great Jane! I love the new color, the pretty pots and the new sign. It really looks welcoming.
Well done!