I'm so excited to tell you about our new Delta kitchen faucet with Touch20 Technology! Most of you know that we live in a hundred year old house with a kitchen that doesn't have all the modern conveniences, but I'm happy to say that we've brought it into the 21st Century with this new faucet!

This all came about when I participated in a Traditional Home magazine survey about a month ago. The magazine (one of my favorites, by the way) was looking for some people who were interested in replacing their kitchen faucet. All you had to do was to submit a photo of your current faucet, tell why you wanted to replace it, and you could be selected to receive a free faucet compliments of the magazine, The Home Depot and Delta.
Did I want to replace my faucet, they asked??? Yes, indeed!
Here is a picture of our old faucet. From afar, it looks perfectly fine. We put it in four years ago when we first moved to the Crossroads. For some reason, we never had good water pressure at the sink. At one point we had a leak under the sink, so we had a handyman look at it.
Whatever he did resulted in all this splashing of water.
So much that it was damaging the beadboard backsplash behind the sink.
So when I received the email that we were selected to participate in this campaign, I was thrilled. I spent a lot of time on The Home Depot site looking at all the Delta kitchen faucets. (Thanks to the generosity of The Home Depot, I could order any faucet that I wanted!) Ever since I realized that they were available, I've been intrigued with faucets with the new touch technology. As with any new technology, you wonder if it really works, so I did plenty of research and read many reviews.
So I finally settled on the Delta Cassidy model #9197T-AR-DST because of its traditional styling and its high arc which should take care of the water splashing problem.
Now Leo and I are do-it-yourselfers for many of our projects, but we decided to have someone who had experience installing one of these touch faucets to put it in for us. This is Dustin Dowling from Philip Dowling Builders who did a great job installing the faucet and our new sink.
Since the faucet I selected required one hole, we purchased this new black granite composite sink since our other sink had 3 holes. I love this new sink because it's deeper, the middle section is lower, and it blends in better with our counter tops.
To say that we are satisfied with our new touch faucet would be a huge understatement! You can tap anywhere on the faucet with your hand, wrist, or forearm to turn it on or off. How many times have your hands been covered with something messy like flour and you've wished for something like this? Or what about cross contamination after handling meat products? This faucet is a cook's dream!
The blue light indicates that it's on, and it's powered by 6 AA batteries. According to my research, the batteries won't need to be replaced for a year or so. And remember our original problem with low water pressure? Well, the pressure is great now, just like it should be.
I'm in love with this faucet and someday we'll splurge and get one for the bathroom. So thanks to The Home Depot, Delta, and Traditional Home magazine for making this possible.
The new Delta kitchen faucet with Touch20 Technology is Lucy approved!
And as for my styling props, that cabbage head (which we grew by the way) ended up in a pot for dinner!
Harvey@all faucets world
I installed the kitchen delta touch sensitive faucet. It was well received by everyone that used it – in the beginning that is. However, it soon started to have issues. It sometimes wouldn’t go on when you touched it. After a very long pause it would start to work again. It also turned on without anyone touching it. I came down stairs in the middle of the night and it was running. That happened a number of times before I finally disabled the touch sensitive feature.
Jane Windham
We have never had a single problem with our touch faucet, but I have heard that others have had some problems. My installer said that it's tricky to get it installed just right!
This is truly a great read for me. I have bookmarked it and I am looking forward to reading new articles. Keep up the good work!.
congratulations! I'm glad you won this and that it works for you.
However, it seems to be a hit/miss product. Many of the online customer reviews (that I've read so far) of this faucet are either 5 star/1 star. Reason? Delta hasn't really perfected the technology, so some folks get faucets that work well and others get faucets that are frustratingly uneven in performance.
We bought one of these faucets less than 2 months ago and it works wonderfully except: it turns itself on/off randomly - and Delta doesn't seem to be able to fix that problem. Sometimes, it just won't turn on at all. It will turn itself on when we're in another room, on another floor, etc.
The Husband disconnected the electronics, so now we have an overpriced manual faucet - that doesn't turn itself on/off. We paid $500+ for the faucet and another $400 for the plumber...so our experience is very different than yours.
(Just my $.02, so readers will be aware that the product is hit/miss.
Jane Windham
Mary, I am so sorry to hear about your troubles with your faucet. We have had ours for a year now and we absolutely love it. We have not had any of the issues that you describe. Have you contacted the Delta company directly? Perhaps there is something that could be replaced to make it work as it should.
I have this same faucet, and it worked as advertised for about 9 months. I have the same issues with the Delta faucet, coming on at will, and the touch function working intermittently. I did contact several times customer service. They spent months having me repeatedly take pictures and troubleshooting things with no fix. I felt like I had to bring them the broomstick of the wicked witch - they kept having me do thing and take pictures rather than replace a broken faucet. I finally gave up the customer service route and have tried to just move on and adjust to the lack of touch function. Now, the faucet works about 20% of the time. It stops working when I have soapy hands - and I have had to bucket water over from another sink in the house to wash dishes. I would suspect that many of the 5 star ratings are folks who have had the faucet a few months. Check out the comments - worked for 9 months, then issues like you have read here. A $500+ product should work longer than 9 months, and the manufacturer should have stood behind their product. This is my first and last Delta faucet. Back to Moen products. I have never had a Moen failure, even with decades of use.
Jane Windham
I am so sorry to hear about your malfunctioning faucet, Cat. We have never had one day's problem with ours, and we have now had it for over 1 1/2 years. We haven't had to replace the battery yet, either. We did pay someone who had experience in installing touch faucets to install ours.
Leslie Anderson
It's 2017 and I have had a Delta Touch2O kitchen faucet for about 5 years now and it has always worked great. Recently I have noticed that the water pressure is not what it use to be so I am in the process of troubleshooting that. Mine is a 3 hole and has a soap dispenser in one hole, the faucet itself is in the center with the pull out sprayer and on the third hole is the hot/cold water pressure adjustment. Some of your readers might want to know that if a metal scrubbie or the soap dispenser swings over and touches the main faucet it might short circuit and not work properly until you remove the item.
kitchen cabinets
This is such a nice blog and It is really helpful for me.
Rickie Timmers
What a difference! Love it. Thanks for sharing Jane. Is there a way to know when to replace the batteries? Does the blue light change in another color or so? I visited the delta website and it looks like Delta offers different touch faucet models. Is this the Delta Addison or Cassidy?
Jim Hilson
Yes the LED will come on and flash when you first turn on the faucet if the batteries are getting low.
Keeping It Cozy
How exciting! Your faucet and sink look beautiful! I love the idea of the touch feature... did you know I didn't even know they sold something like that?! 🙂
That looks wonderful !! Lucky You !!
Marty Walden
Oh, shoot! Why didn't I know about this? Our faucet and sink are next on the to do list and I can't even tell you how bad the faucet is! Twenty some years old! Yikes! It looks great, Jane!
Wow, congrats on your new faucet. I think the touch faucet would be great and would just love touching it to come on. Good pictures.
Love the kitchen!
I have been interested in the new touch fauctes, so please keep us informed on how you like it, after a few weeks. I had noidea they worked on batteries. When I asked our plumber, he said something about if the electricity goes off, you can't use the faucet. I think he just did not understand, or want to install one.
LOVE the picture of you Lucy. Is she a Border Collie?
Jean Windham
Fantastic Jane I am happy for you and your new sink and faucet. It really does look great with all the other kitchen decor. I bet you are really enjoying it..
Shirley@Housepitality Designs
Wow...congrats you two!!!....i have just been skimming thru my magazines lately and missed that article.....The faucet looks incredible!!...My brother and his wife have one and they just love it...and I always have said...that if you have to be in front of an area like the sink for hours and hours a day...you need to look at something pretty!!!...and you are!
Love the faucet but those curtains kept distracting me. Love the pattern and the way they look over the sink. Lucy looks so content in her spot! Have great weekend!
Love your new faucet and sink. I have the same sink in my home and love its look with the black countertop. Even better that the faucet was free. Way to go.
Very nice...was thinking about getting a touch faucet. Does yours have a pull-out spray? Have a great weekend! 😉
Barbara F.
Great new faucet, next time I need one, this is it! And I LOVE your styling props. Savoy cabbage is one of my favorite veggies. xo
Jane~ Your kitchen is so cheery! I love your black & white fabrics with the green and your new sink and faucet are so handsome! I love the idea of the 'no touch' faucet, my hands always seem to be covered in something 🙂
What a fabulous new faucet...amazing really! Isn't it like Christmas in the summer? Your sink skirt is adorable too. Love the black and white!
That is fantastic Jane!! And I always love any chance to see your beautiful kitchen! 🙂
Yay for you guys! I'm curious about your magnetic knife strip - do you like it? I assume you do since you have one...I've been thinking about getting one for quite some time, but just wasn't sure?? Thanks