About a month ago, Leo and I were at the auction that we always go to on Mondays. I spotted a box of vintage china on the ground, and when I looked inside the box, I recognized the maker and pattern. Inside the box were many pieces of the china I had read about the day before, so I bid on the china and got it for a ridiculously low price because no one else seemed interested in it.

The china pattern is called "Medway Decor," made in England by Alfred Meakin.
Here is the maker's mark. I'm certainly no expert, but after doing a little online research, I have concluded that this china was made somewhere between 1907-1914. That means the china is possibly 100 years old! And it is in remarkably good condition to be so old.
I just love this china. The background is ivory with a beautiful bouquet of purple and yellow flowers accented with dark brown branches and other designs. A few of the pieces have chips, but that indicates to me that this china was lovingly used. I can just imagine a family using it at each holiday. The colors in this china remind me of autumn, so I decided to pull all of the pieces out of the box and create a tablescape.
First, I looked through all my tablecloths to see what would go with it. I'll have to admit that this china would be stunning on an eggplant colored tablecloth, but I don't have anything that color. So I settled on using a light butter-colored cloth and napkins that I already had.
I did go shopping for some purple napkin rings, but I didn't find any. So my next thought was to spray paint some old wooden ones, but I couldn't even find any of those.
Since one of the details on the china is a yellow butterfly, I decided to make some napkin rings using butterflies. I even found a graphic that closely matched this butterfly, but I happened to be in Big Lots when I spotted some outdoor lights with butterflies (on sale-50% off!) Some of the butterflies happened to be purple and yellow, just the colors I needed. So when I got home I took the lights apart and removed the butterflies.
I still didn't know what I was going to do with those butterflies until I was in Hobby Lobby the next day and spotted these.
These are little grapevine wreaths that I knew that would be the perfect size for napkin rings.
So when I got home, I used the glue-gun to attach the butterflies to the wreaths. (Here I'm experimenting with a pink butterfly. I have all colors of butterflies now.)
Once I had my napkin rings, I was ready to proceed with creating my tablescape. I decided to use my dough tray since several bloggers have mentioned them lately. A dough tray is a wooden bowl that people used to use to mix up their dough for bread and biscuits. I've had mine a long time. It was given to me by an elderly gentleman who said that his children didn't care about it. He knew that I would love it so he gave it to me.
Earlier this week, I had found a vase in a local antique store that had some hand-painted flowers that were similar to the flowers on the china.
I got this vase for a very nominal amount of money! Yay!
Here's a close-up of the handpainted flowers. The colors were just right!
So I went to the grocery store to get some flowers to go in this vase. I didn't have much in the yard that was purple, but I did find a few things to add to the bouquet.
Since I wanted to use the dough tray and the flowers, Leo suggested that I put the vase in the tray. And I added some eggplants from the garden and some pears from the pear tree in the yard along with some ivy that I have growing. (And a few of those butterflies, too!)
Sorry for all the pictures. I've been working on my photography skills lately.
Remember the flowers on the china? I just happened to notice that almost the same flower is on the back of our dining room chairs.
So since I had a flower theme going on, I pulled out my sterling because it has almost the same flower on it, too.
The pattern is Buttercup by Gorham. I have some pieces of Chantilly, a pattern I picked out when I was younger. But I have always admired this pattern that a friend of mine had. So when I completed my set, I finished it out with Buttercup.
So here is the tablescape with my new vintage china. I have to show you this.
See the stemware? Here's a close-up for you.
Do you see the etched flowers? This stemware belongs to my mother. I don't know anything about it other than it was used at our house for as long as I remember, and I have always loved it.
When I first got the china, my idea was to sell it. But now that I've done a tablescape with it, I'm thinking I'll keep it.
In the box were several serving pieces.
an oval platter
an oval vegetable dish
a round vegetable bowl
and the cutest, darn creamer I've ever seen!
Here are some additional pieces of the china. Look at that egg cup! I do not have a complete set by any means. Not sure that I want to sell this anymore.
Since this is my first, real tablescape that I've created for the blog, Leo said I was just playing house.
So maybe I am. I can see where this can be tablescape buff.
Do you like my new vintage china? Won't you join me for dinner?
francis c moore
Lovely. I will definitely join you for dinner.
Sande Parrish
My brother just sent me this article in email since it was our mother's China as well. She always called it Medway brown… She was married in the 30s we were born in 50 and 54 and it was the China we used at Christmas and maybe one other time- but mostly it stayed in the China cabinet! I gave it to my brother after mom passed-I'm sure it was full placesettings of everything and all those extra pieces. and I'm sure after seeing what you did, he will probably be creating something as well since he just bought a new home built in the 40s and he is redoing everything there!that egg plant looks fabulous with it! Never saw anywhere else ever until he found it on eBay one time and now your article! Fond memories!
Lori Marquette
Was great to read your post. I adore this pattern. It is my grandmothers china. I have treasured it in my china cabinet for 30 years. She was a single mom with a career. Unusual in the 1940's. She bought each piece individually as she could afford them. The set is one of my prize possessions.
Katy Birkenfeld
I did some research on my Mother's Antique Plates..I have a set just like yours are you interested?
Kelley Kisor
I have a partial set of this china that was my grandmothers. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to purchase someone's old set. please email me if anyone is interested
Betty D Daugherty
I have several pieces would love to sell cheap. [email protected]
Wow...this was also my grandmother's china. She was from a small town in NC. We use it at Thanksgiving and unfortunately a couple of pieces have broken over the years. Thanks for sharing your pictures.
Liza McKenzie
I love your china; the pattern was also my grandmother's, which my mother inherited, and now I have.... I remember it from lots of childhood meals. I did a search today on the pattern and discovered your site. The coincidence amazes me - my grandparents were from Abbeville, SC, and my husband and I are planning to retire ASAP to his grandparents' farm in Lake City. I feel home again when I read your blog and can't wait to be there!
Elizabeth Ledbetter
Just looked at your blog which came up when I was searching the Medway decor pattern. My husband's grandmother had some of these dishes and I have a platter and 4 soup bowls. I have always loved them and was wondering about their age, etc. So I'm glad I found your site and I just love your tablescape! Gives me ideas when serving homemade soup out of my favorite bowls this winter.
Sonya Abner
Ms. Jane!!!
I love it! I have often bid on this pattern.....never won.......but I will not give up! 😉
Susan @ My Place to Yours
Jane, thanks for stopping by tonight. I'm doing a little blog catch-up myself, and just read this post. What a lovely tablescape you did with your new dishes -- and what a great find they were! I've been brainstorming about a Fall tablescape with purples in it, and your eggplant idea may get borrowed! With all of the beautiful stemware and flatware you already have, I do hope you'll keep "playing house" with the rest of us!
Wow, Jane.... what a find. Amazing how everything else just coordinated so well. It was just meant for you to get that box of china! I love, love, love it!
Oh I do love it ALL ! what a fun find and the table looks great 🙂
Fancy Frugal Life
Tammy Loves Dishes
I really enjoyed reading the story behind the creation of your tablescape. What a fabulous find you made at the auction!
This is my all time favorite pattern. I have never been lucky enough to find it in a group but I have enjoyed picking it up piece by piece.
Do keep it and let your collection grow.
Katy Birkenfeld
I have a set if you are interested can send you pictures of what I have with the flower and butterfly pattern
Karey Spidell
I've been wanting to find a set of these dishes, I remember my grandma had one or two pieces of it. I believe it was her mother's china. I have always wanted to have a set to enjoy. I love the colors and I'd love the memories of my great grandma being part of them.
Linda Parish
I have several pieces if you are interested
You found a treasure!
Charlene Austin
So gorgeous! It's meant to be for you to own that china. Don't sell it!
Vicki V
That china is beautiful, and I love your tablescape, too! You should definitely keep it.
Debra@Common Ground
These dishes are just wonderful, love the colored transferware, is that known as Polychrome? Nancy from Nancy's Daily Dish has so many fabulous transfer patterns. Thanks for sharing your table, playing house is lot's of fun!!! xo Debra
I love what you did with your new china. I just love this pattern and the shape of the all the serving pieces. We need to get together and have a big dinner party! My set had place settings for 12 including berry bowls, cups and saucers, sugar & creamer, gravy bowl, platters, and the top to YOUR vegetable bowl; the bowl was the only piece missing. I didn't realize egg cups came in this pattern too. You are one creative cookie with the napkin rings! Perfect. Thanks for linking to my blog. Dianne
So Beautiful!!!! Lovely table scape! The china is lovely!!
Oh my! What a score on the china! Absolutely gorgeous!! My Mr. Dumpling says I'm like a little girl playing house. I just adore playing with my dishes and adding all the pretties.
Jo Ann
I love, love, love, those dishes! A beautiful tablescape!
the china is lovely!!! what a deal!! i love your narrative describing the thought process that went into the tablescape. i am looking forward to lots more 'scapes' and leo looks like fun too!! all the best, donna
Jane- What lovely china- I love the predominance of violet in its pattern! You certainly created a beautiful floral arrangement, with the eggplant, the moss, and those yellow and purple flowers. Cute idea to make your napkin rings, too. Visiting from Debra's party.
🙂 Sue
Jane, what a find Meakin if definitely fine china. This pattern is so different and that makes even more beautiful I wouldn't sell it either. However, I can never part with anything.
You and Leo look so cute. It is so sweet that he took your picture at your beautiful table.
I ran across a website recently that sold mostly napkins and rings. Fairly good prices. If I can think of it I will pass it along.
Have a great weekend, stay cool.
wow..... wow.... that is just amazing..... It's just gorgeous... I just want to reach out and run my fingers over the edges of those plates... and that creamer is soooo pretty!!! You couldn't pry that set of china out of my hands!!! I say keep it and keep on playing house Jane!!! The tablescape is just beautiful!!!!!!
Jacqueline~Cabin & Cottage
Well yes! I do love your new vintage china. Especially the serving pieces. I have always loved this pattern. You were so fortunate to happen upon that box! It makes a lovely tablescape!
What a gorgeous table you set with that pretty china! I love color in china patterns, and this one is especially appealing. What a deal you got!
sue frazier
what a great score at the auction! beautiful pattern and I love your tablescape and the butterflies!!
Your lucky day! I love that china and you are right about the purple tablecloth-that would be spectacular by candlelight.
Oh Jane~ I ADORE your new china... the pattern, colors, patina that the age lends it AND the butterflies! The serving pieces are wonderful. Love your pairing of the Buttercup with its flower detail & your fun handcrafted napkin rings! Playing house is lots of fun 🙂
Sweet Bee Cottage
What gorgeous dishes! Love how you set the table with it. I can see them looking very fall and spring too. I am so glad you found them to treasure. I really like your using so many fresh things from the garden. Don't you just love it when hubs has a really good idea? Love it in the wooden bowl.
I cannot believe nobody bid against you on this china I would have if I were there. They are stunning. I love the beautiful colors and all the flowers on them. Your napkins rings are beautifully created and love the centerpiece too...Christine
The Tablescaper
What a stunning set of dishes. I love your tablescape and hope to see many more.
- The Tablescaper
I really like your vintage dishes. Love the dough bowl, I'm jealous! My favorite thing, the adorable (and creative) napkin rings. Great job 🙂
What a wonderful find! Goodness that is pretty china and goes so well with your pretty silver and other pieces. great table. xo marlis
Sanghamitra Bhattacherjee
Gorgeous vintage china! Love everything about your stunning table. Those colours are stunning. Thanks for sharing.
Hope to see you on my blog:)
Richard Cottrell
PS> I have seen this china before and always liked it, what a fun thing to find a whole set. I can see it dressed up or down. I love colorful china, none of this white stuff for me. Richard at My Old Historic House.
Richard Cottrell
Thanks for finding me and my blog. I am so excited that you stopped by. I hope you do catch up and come back soon. I appreciate your comments and look forward to getting lots more soon. Have a great day. Richard at My Old Historic House.
Carol Samsel
Your New Old china is amazing!!!! You did great with the table scape too! I love old china and could very easily become addicted to it 🙂 I already own two sets and am constantly looking at others....could be a problem someday 🙂 LOL!
Playing house is beautiful:) vintage china is beautiful..love flowery theme going and table looks perfect!
Nancy (dreamitbuilditstyleit.blogspot.com)
Beautiful china! I love the colors and pattern- good for you for sneaking way with a box full!
Wow!! I can't believe what a treasure you found. Everything looks like it is mint condition. Simply beautiful:) Isn't is so exciting to get a great item that everyone else passed up? Love it, love it, love it!!!
Michele Smith
Love your new china and your tablescape! I think its awesome how you made napkin rings too!
I'd love to join yall for dinner 🙂
Have a great day!
Barbara F.
Jane! That china is so beautiful and the colors, just lovely. You can do a lot with it, love your first tablescape, and it is so nice that you have crystal, silverware, a vase, even the dining room chairs, already to match! Keep this china by all means. xo,