Today was a beautiful spring day, and I spent most of it outside under a tree. I was painting some old frames and a basket that I picked up at the auction we frequently attend.

Our picnic table was my work surface while I was working on my painted frames. It really was pleasant working outside.
Even some fabric and a piece of old lace did not escape my paintbrush!
As you can see, all these items have been painted yellow! That's because they are going to be used for a golf benefit party next week.
The item that looks like a cake stand will be a cheese stand. I've already had a piece of white marble cut to fit the top.
I had already primed the wooden frames and had put one coat of yellow paint on them on a previous day. Today I put on another coat of yellow, dry brushed some white paint on them, and then rubbed dark walnut stain on them.
The stain helps to accentuate the details on the frames.
Here's another pedestal bowl. It will make a cute cracker holder for the party. LOVE my pedestal bowls!
The only thing that didn't get painted yellow today is this urn. I had previously painted it white, but today I "aged" it a bit more. It's ready to be delivered to the florist tomorrow to be used to hold a floral centerpiece.
Serving on the committee to plan this benefit party is a lot of work, but I really enjoy it. And over the next week, I'll show you some other things as I make them. And since I'm doing a fruit and cheese table, I'll post the recipes for some of the things I'll be making. Of course, I'll post pictures of the actual party!
Anna Adams
I love how you painted the old lace, I have a basket full of old lace from my Grandmother, frames are so pretty.... I need to get busy. Love your site, thanks for sharing!
Anna Dee
Jean Windham
The garden is really coming along. I bet the fresh garden salad with all the fruits of your labor was good too. Looking forward to seeing all of you this coming weekend at the event in Lamar. Jean
Looking forward to seeing this all pulled together - love the yellow!
Can't wait to see what you do with all of your yellow pieces for the benefit.
Oh I'm loving all the yellow! Can't wait to see what beautiful ideas you have!
Lavender Dreams
This is a great way to do it! And I love that big basket. You're getting things pretty for Spring!
Hi Jane,
Now that's the way to paint~Line it all out and get it all done at one time. Love the yellow!
BTW- I nominated you for "The Versatile Blogger Award" today. When you get a chance stop by my blog to read about it. Thanks
Jana@Transformations From the Heart
I like how it all turned out so far, can't wait to get a peek on how it will all be used...and you painted the lace??? How neat!
Jean Windham
I'm excited about the party coming up next weekend in Lamar, especially since I will get to see all the yellow items in place and how they will be used. The fact that you are painting and applying the antique stain will be pretty. Also painting the lace neat idea. See you next weekend. Jean
Love, Love yellow. Can't wait to see how it's all used. Never thought about painting lace, neat idea.
BTW, please add my blog to your list of "Blogs to Visit"
Have a great week, Hugs
Looking forward to your next post with all the yellow goodies! . Great idea you had there to also paint the lace...never heard of anyone doing that! So clever!
Barbara F.
I had to come back, just read last year's post. A fabulous job, the tables and displays were awesome. A tremendous amount of work was involved. I love that you have 2 SILs named Jean, and you're Jane! xo
Barbara F.
Wow is right, Jane! What a wonderful job on everything. Can't wait to see photos of the event! xo
I can't wait to see what you do with all the yellow treasures.
What a pretty shade of yellow. Looks like fun!
Shirley@Housepitality Designs
Yellow is my favorite color...have it on my walls....made my bridesmaids wear it..holding pretty yellow daisies...Anxiously awaiting to see what you will do with all the "sunshine"....
You're so creative! I've had some computer issues lately and have missed the activity at your Cottage - it's good to be back and see what you've been doing. You've been busy!
That's a beautiful dose of sunny yellow! I love it!
Carlene @ Oganized Clutter
I like to paint outside too.
The frames turned out so nice with white drybrushing and the stain. I have never did the dry brushing step. Just the stain. I will have to try it.
Hi, Jane!
I am not a big fan of yellow but everything looks so pretty!!!
Beautiful finish!!!
Yes, please share the recipes later on!
Dolly Sarrio
Can't wait to see what you do with all of these yellow frames and stuff.I know it will be great,you are so creative. Love that urn!
Yippee for yellow. So pretty...I have used that color before.