Do you still have a Christmas tree that you haven't put away? Turn it into a Valentine's Day tree! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I'm in love with our Valentine's Day tree! It's located in our mudroom and it's the first thing I see when I enter our little cottage! The twinkling lights make me so happy.

This skinny Christmas tree is perfect for turning into a Valentine's Day tree because it doesn't take up much space. This same tree has been a Valentine's Day tree for several years but it has had a totally different look each year.
I removed the Christmas decorations from the tree but left the rag garland on it.
A lot of the fabrics I used in making the rag garland were also used in making the fabric hearts that are hanging on the tree. To read more about how I made the garland, see this post: DIY GINGERBREAD RAG GARLAND
Many of the fabric hearts hanging on the tree are adorned with yo-yos. They are very easy to make and you can get the directions here: FABRIC HEARTS WITH YO-YOS
The wooden decorations on the tree were natural wood ornaments that I bought last year and painted them in the coral color that I use in the mudroom.
At the top of the tree is a wooden heart from Dollar Tree that I painted in an ombre effect and decorated with some Chalk Couture designs.
On a side note, do you notice the ceiling? I don't think I've ever shown it but it is a beadboard ceiling that was pickled. This was not a DIY project-our painters did it for me!
On the wall beside the tree is a tobacco basket that I painted with coral spray paint last summer. Inside the basket is a twig heart wreath adorned with more fabric yo-yos.
You can see them a little better in this photo.
Nearby is our old church pew with a heart shaped pillow that I made last year.
I made the pillow last year and it remained on the pew all year. It, too, has yo-yos on it.
Well, once I settle on a theme, I kinda run with it, right?
I hope you've enjoyed seeing my Valentine's Day tree for 2021. I think I'm going to leave this tree up and decorate it for spring because it does my heart good!
Gotta find our joy any where we can!
Oh my. This is gorgeous and so inspiring. Thank you for sharing. Live the ideas and the ceiling!!!
Laura Coyne
I love to stop by your blog from time to time. Just wanted to say, although Valentine's Day is over, I love what you have done to decorate! The colors are gorgeous. So unlike all the white I see! Love the hearts accented with yoyos and crochet. So, so pretty, unique and inspiring!
Shannon Fox
Jane this is just the cutest!
Wishing you a LEO a Happy Valentine's Day 🙂
Debbie Edwards
What a sweet sight to greet you when you come into the house!
Enjoy seeing your pretty creations and always look forward to the next one.
Thank you for sharing.
This is so cute!! You chose so many sweet little things to put on the tree. Love it, Jane!
Mary Sue Bowen
Love all your projects. The tree is so cute. Love all the pillows and the tobacco basket. Always excited to see your seasonal displays.
Jane, all of your projects make me “ooh”& “ahh”! Just beautiful how you put it all together.
francis c moore
So, so pretty.
Everything is adorable Jane, Love the tree and the tobacco basket and the pillow, all are soooo cute!!!!