The weather here at Windham's Crossroads has been just glorious for the past week or so. My sister-in-law Jean and I have been potting up some pansies and other fall flowers.

Here's Jean working at her awesome potting bench that she and her husband Jim had made when they were building their new house.
The main feature of her potting bench is this large, antique cast-iron sink that she and Jim had reglazed. The bench was designed to accommodate the sink and to have plenty of work space.
Jim found the awesome faucet with that sprayer that will wash away all the mess that you always have when you're potting flowers.
There's even a metal roof over the bench to provide some shade for the plants and Jean.
Yep! All those flats of pansies got potted recently. Some of them went here.
Jim hung two really large window boxes under the dining room windows, and Jean filled them with all these gorgeous flowers.
They look fabulous now, but will fill in nicely in the cooler weather. The pansies and the ornamental cabbage will provide color all winter long.
They hung a smaller flower box underneath the kitchen window.
Look at all the nice landscaping. You'd never know that they just moved into their house about a month ago.
This pot, along with many others, was moved from their other house.
Jean loves decorating for the seasons. She created these two wreaths for their front entrance and hung them this weekend.
That wire mesh ribbon glistens in the sunlight. Jean had a few pansies that she didn't use, so she gave them to me. So yesterday, I potted and placed them on the back deck.
I placed some of the pots on this little bookcase that I recently painted green.
The bookcase sits beside the back door.
This planter is on the back deck, too, and is filled with succulents that Jean gave me last year. I repotted the blue spruce tree that I've had since last Christmas. I'm really surprised that it made it through our hot summer.
The colors of the ice plant in the planter look beautiful with the pansies that I potted.
Look who arrived! It's Juicy, our new stray kitten that has found a home at the Crossroads.
We didn't name her until she'd been here for about 2 weeks.
Isn't she beautiful? Do you want to know something funny? The kitten will sit in my mother's walker and let my mother push her around the yard. She will even sit in her lap as she is rocking. Yep, I'd say she's definitely made her home here.
Have you been planting any fall flowers? Let me know how you've been spending your time this weekend.
gina triana
Hi there,
I just found a large farmhouse sink and want to incorporate it into a potting bench. It is extremely heavy 100+ pounds, so I want it securely mounted. How did you mount the sink in your awesome potting bench fotos? Does it have a rim? Mine is the kind that was originally mounted to a wall with legs under the front part. Any ideas? thank you!
What a pretty kitty, such beautiful eyes!
Your kitten is just precious. And obviously a very wise little thing too, knowing that she would find love when she came to you.
Bonnie Morgan
Their potting bench is a dream! I would love one just like it. The overhang above is ingenious. Enjoyed your post so much. I appreciate your visit so much. Lucky kitty to have found love at your home.
I am so impressed with Jean's potting bench! I love it! And I love the pictures of her new yard.
Congratulations on your new kitten. Juicy looks so sweet. I think when animals adopt us, they are the absolutely best animals ever! 🙂
Have a great day!
Jane, I would love a potting bench some day in a little greenhouse. Hopefully it will be built by hubby next year. That cat has amazing eyes. I have had cats all my life until now and have never seen eyes like that.
Wow! That is an awesome potting bench. Truly beautiful! Wish I could grow plants like that too!
What a great potting bench! It looks like she has a green thumb!
Hi jane,
I've been busy planting spring bulbs from Cornwall, UK. in pots and flower beds, in anticipation of a wonderful show of daffodils in February and March next year.
BTW tell your sister in law I have potting bench envy! Her bench is sooo much prettier than mine,.
I have to use the good old garden hose to wash things down after potting up, I want a sink just like Jean's!
Vicki at Rusty Rooster Vintage
Jane, I love this post. What a lovely potting bench she has and all those gorgeous flowers. The kitty is my favorite though. Those big eyes just warm my heart. Thanks for visiting today. Good luck in my giveaway. Off to enter yours!
everything looks lovely!! That kitty is cute as heck too!!! Lucky baby to find you guys!
Sweet little kitten 🙂 I love pansies but they always get eaten by the critters around here. I actually planted some mums this year - I'm famous for buying them and NOT getting them in the ground, and of course, they die. Not this year!!
Gorgeous, gorgeous kitty!
Jean Windham
The potting sink and counter are coming to be handy with all the fall planting. I love the wreaths Jean made. I am so jealous I am not there to help both of you but I don't think you need any help. Great fun.......
Now that second to last pic - doesn't it just remind you of puss in boots' face during Shrek?
I was wondering just how that potting area was kept so clean. Now I know. 🙂
Good Morning Jane!! Just now able to check my email and WOW!! so love the pansies and the flower boxes!!! How beautiful !!!! Sooooooo glad I "stumbled" across your blog.... I love the outdoor blogs you do..... very peaceful!!!! the wreaths are amazing as well!!!! congrats to your sister- in - law on the new home!! Thanks again for taking the time to share with us!!!!! oh.... weekend events???..... 🙂 I have been busy packing ... we are actually headed your way and beyond in a couple of days!! LOL... headed for the "hills" of Tennessee..... can't wait... you know.. in Florida we are still experiencing a bit of summer!!! Blessings, Terri
Jean has an awesome potting bench! Her home is lovely! Glad that your blue spruce made it through the summer heat, many of my plants were not so lucky this summer, lost some thimgs that I had for a few years.
Planning to plant some violas and pansies today!
What a sweet kitten! I had a fuzzy little gray "gift" a couple of weeks ago at our house, but in my opinion these little gifts seem to really appreciate a good home, and make wonderful companions! Juicy has a sweet face, looks like she knows that she has found a great home!
classic • casual • home
That is an awesome potting space!!!
Confessions of a Plate Addict
I love that potting bench, Jane! How nice to see fall flowers. It's still just too hot here yet. LOVE the kitty...looks like my Baby Kitty but with those HUGE eyes like Puss 'n' Boots from Shrek! lol I'd say she's a keeper! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie
Oh my goodness! I would love to have something like that! Everything is gorgeous!
That potting bench is incredible. I don't plant anything in the fall. We have so many leaves that my beds are pretty much a mess from the first of Oct. until Christmas. A few years ago our city stopped collecting the leaves so now we have to actually pay someone to take them away. As much as I love my house sometimes condo living sounds wonderful! Have a great week.
Wow your SIL has a great space. I love the potting bench. Lucky you to end up with her over flow. The kitty is cute, and I'm sure you Mom enjoys her.
Barbara F.
Hi Jane, I think your new kitty is just so sweet and so beautiful! What soulful eyes she has. I am going to plant some spring bulbs this week. I always wait too long and then the ground is too hard to dig (for me anyway). I love that potting bench with the sink. It looks like something a nursery would have. xo,