These Buttered Rosemary Rolls are now expected at all family gatherings and I don't mind making them at all because the recipe is super easy. If I can make something that looks and tastes this good, then you can, too.

Everybody in our family loves these rolls. I first served them two Christmases ago and everyone asked for the recipe. Well, here it is for all to enjoy. Is it my recipe? No. I found this recipe on The Pioneer Woman's blog.
The only thing difficult about making these rolls is finding the right frozen roll dough. Don't even try this recipe if you can't find these. Believe me, I've tried.
You must use Rhodes Frozen White Dinner Rolls in the orange package! You may have a little trouble finding these. When you do, stock up. Other people are on to these now. The only grocery store that carries them in my area is Walmart. Besides this most important ingredient, here's what you'll need to make these rolls: olive oil, butter, fresh rosemary, and course sea salt.
On the day you're going to make these rolls, you will need to allow about 3-4 hours of time for the dough to rise. First, put a little olive oil in the pan that you plan to cook the rolls in.
Here I have placed 7 of the frozen rolls in a cast iron skillet. Why? Because the Pioneer Woman told me to and she was right! If you just want to make a small amount of rolls, then this is the best way to do it. The cast iron pan makes the bottom of the rolls a little crispy. Notice that 7 rolls fit inside perfectly. Don't put in more or less. If I am just making 7 rolls, then I wrap a rubber band around the top of the roll package and stick it back in the freezer. Works great!
But, if you making rolls for a large crowd, then you can put them in a jelly roll pan like this.
But don't forget to smear some olive oil onto the pan before you put your frozen rolls into the pan.Put your pan of rolls in a safe place for 3 to 4 hours. The package says to cover the rolls, but I don't bother to do so. Works fine.
When your rolls look like this, you are almost ready to bake. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
Get your scissors and snip some small pieces of fresh rosemary. Don't even think about using dried rosemary! It must be fresh and it makes all the difference in the world.
You can get your rosemary from the grocery store or you can snip a little from some rosemary that you are growing. Here's my little pot of rosemary that sits in my window.
I grow rosemary inside during the winter just for these rolls!
You only need about this much rosemary.
Melt about ½ stick of butter for 7 rolls. Melt more if you're making a large pan of rolls. Brush the tops of the rolls with the melted butter.
Now, this next step is very important! If you leave out this ingredient, your rolls will be good, but not nearly as good as they could be. Here is the secret ingredient.
Coarse sea salt! Make sure it says coarse on the container you buy. Sprinkle the tops of the rolls with the sea salt.
Next, add the rosemary to the tops of the rolls. Here they are, all ready for the oven.
In this photo, you can see about how much rosemary to add. Bake the rolls at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes until the tops are golden. (The Pioneer Woman cooks her rolls at a higher temperature, but I follow the instructions for baking on the package.)
Look at those rolls! Yum!!!
Sometimes I make several pans of these rolls, put some honey mustard and ham inside, and take them to people who need some homemade goodness!
Or, as Pioneer Woman says, just place the whole skillet of rolls on the table in front of your family and see what happens!
Rhodes Bake-N-Serv (@rhodesbread)
Hi jane! We just barely found this post, but of course, we think it's amazing! 🙂 And so are you! Thanks for baking with Rhodes 🙂
Hi Jane...thanks for visiting my blog. These rolls look absolutely amazing. I actually think I may make them for Easter dinner. They would go great with my Honey Baked Ham! Thanks for sharing...~Ann
This is the second time I'm seeing these rolls and I am really tempted by them! They look delicious and making them into little sandwiches is a great idea! Linda
Everyone is going to get filled up on PW's rolls..I made them, too. :)))
Hi Jane,
It's so nice to meet you and these rolls are fabulous looking and easy too! I often have rosemary on hand and will be making these for sure.
I have to double check the rolls in my freezer. Want to try these soon. Gorgeous.
Jane, Your rolls look delicious! Thanks for sharing.
Blessings, Beth
Happier Than A Pig in Mud
They look fantastic and I love that you bring a Rosemary plant in during the winter specifically for these rolls! Always wanted to try them, definitely will now! Thanks so much for playing along:@)
Libby@Light of the Home
Hi, I am your newest follower! Love how these rolls look. They are making me hungry. I am enjoying looking over your blog. Thanks for visiting Light of the Home!
Those look and sound so good. Now I will have to fine those rolls. thanks for joining WUW.
Jane, thanks for coming by to visit my cozy little kitchen! I'm so glad you introduced yourself, and now I'm able to enjoy your lovely blog! This recipe for these rolls looks irresistable, something that my family would love! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Hi Jane! Thanks for visiting me at Bird/Like, 'cause now I've discovered your fun blog! I am making those rolls for my next dinner party... though i doubt I can find that particular brand up here in the boondocks... but i'll give it a try, they look wonderful!
Theresa Beaudry
Hi Jane,
These look so good right about now, its dinner time here in Oregon which is what I should be getting ready instead of blogging but I've been wanting to stop by your blog...and its wonderful!!! I plan on printing this recipe, hopefully I can find the same rolls here, and I'll take your advice to use ONLY THIS KIND ;0)
I'm now your latest follower too, love your blog!
Hey! Thanks so much for the nice comment! You have a very nice blog too, I will definately be stopping by again soon! Have a great rest of the week! 🙂
Jane, those rolls look deadly! I'll take a dozen though! 🙂 Thanks for posting the recipe and details.
Those rolls look YUMMY! Thanks for sharing the recipe.
Enjoy your day,
Hi, I came by from Debbiedoo's. Oh my word, these rolls look divine!! Would love to have them right now. Thanks for sharing the recipe...and all the steps. I'm a new follower and I look forward to getting to know you! Stop by and say hi when you can.
Hi! Thanks for visiting me. Your rolls look spectacular! I love PW, she makes some great "real-life" food. I'm making her chicken spaghetti for my daughter's birthday this week, and I may have a coupon for these rolls. I'll have to see if I can find them at my store. Unfortunately I don't have fresh rosemary, I got some plants at Christmas but they dried out on me. Have a great week!
Oh my goodness my mouth is watering. I think I'm going to have to add these to the menu for Sunday dinner. Hope I can find the right rolls. I found you through the Newbie party.
Looks delish! What time should I be over??
Great blog - I found you at the Newbie party.
Oh my goodness, my mouth is watering, those look divine! Thanks for the recipe!
Hi Jane,
I saw these at Debbiedos this morning. I am also a huge fan of Pioneer Woman. Just last night I put out my recipe for Oatmeal Rolls I will be baking today. After looking at these, it makes me want to get started right away. Can't wait to smell fresh bread in the oven.
Margaret dowling
hiya , visiting form debbie doo's and am following you , Mmmm yummy will be trying these , i am going to have a look around your blog now x hope to see you at mine soon
Sweet Bee Cottage
Oh my, that Pioneer Woman sure knows how to cook and so do you! Those look divine!
Your rolls look simply wonderful! They would be terrific with almost any meal, anytime of the year. Thank you so much for visiting Brambly and following along- I really appreciate it. I'm looking forward to following you and learning more about the things you love. Take care.
Those rolls look so yum-e! I wish I could get rosemary to grow in doors! Thanks for following!
Mid-Atlantic Martha
This looks addictive! Thanks for your very sweet visit.
Pattie Taylor
Yummy have those rolls in my freezer I make them like this on Sundays thanks for sharing
carol turner
Jane, those rolls look devine! I can understand why the coarse sea salt makes all the difference. Thank you for entering my apron giveaway...Good luck! Also thank you for following, I am following you back.
Miz Helen
There is no question what will happen to a skillet of rolls like that at my house, there won't be a single one left. Great idea that I will use. Thanks for sharing Jane, and have a great week end!
Susan in SC
Looks like a trip to walmart is in store for me. These look delicious!!
They look delicious...makes my mouth water just looking at them!
I will have to try these out....thanks for sharing.
Cindy Birkenheiser
Hi Jane , I want to thank u 4 this .... looks delicious...haven't tried it yet but I will because time is precious to me & I love quick & easy receipes ....Thank u and ur yard looks FANTASTIC AT THE CROSSROADS COTTAGE ...GOOD JOB U GUYS