Hello everyone! It's time again for our monthly printables party! Seven of us bloggers join together every month to bring you 21 different printables that are totally free! And since it's now November, my thoughts have naturally turned to Thanksgiving so the printables that I created all feature turkeys!
Now the strange thing is that we do not eat turkey during our Thanksgiving dinner. Yes, that's right. No turkey here at the Crossroads on Thanksgiving Day or any other day, for that matter. You see, Leo is allergic to all fowl so that means that we have all the other traditional foods that day, just not turkey!
But Thanksgiving just wouldn't be the same without the universal symbol of the turkey. So I created these printables for you to use in your holiday decorating or celebrations. First up is this Thanksgiving poem with it accompanying vintage turkey.
Click HERE to download and print.
One of the reasons that Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays is that it's all about family and friends coming together to enjoy a wonderful meal with a grateful heart. Don't you just love the addition of the pansies onto this vintage graphic of the turkey?
Click Here to download and print.
Now I don't normally associate the color pink with Thanksgiving, but when I saw this gorgeous image, it just spoke to me. Wouldn't this printable be pretty at each setting on a Thanksgiving table done in the unexpected color of pink?
Click HERE to download and print.
SheilaG @ Plum Doodles
How pretty- thank you for sharing, Jane! ♥
What a beautiful and soft feel these all have! Just lovely!
Dwight Merwin
Jane Thank you so very much for sharing God Bless You
Mary Ann
These are wonderful... was going to take down the early fall ones today... I really appreciate these so much!
These are great. Love the vintage theme. You are so talented.
The How to Guru
These would look gorgeous made into a quilt.
Those Turkey graphics are gorgeous Jane. I look so forward to this every month, you girls amaze me, and I appreciate you soo much!
Claire @ A Little Claireification
Jane I am dying over these GORGEOUS vintage printables. My printer is working over time right now. Pinning. These are beautiful!!!!
Jane, love the vintage feel to the printables. The one with the pink background is stunning.