Today was a beautiful, sunny day in South Carolina. Leo and his brother Jim worked in the garden putting in an irrigation system. I had just received my March issue of Better Homes and Gardens magazine, and there was an article in it about asparagus. So I decided to take a look at our asparagus bed, and this is what I saw. One asparagus spear had peaked its head above the soil. We were so excited!

We have never grown asparagus before now. In fact, if you've been reading our blog, you know that we have only been gardening for two years. Since asparagus is one of our favorite vegetables, we wanted to grow some. Last spring we planted 18 crowns.
Most people don't know much about how asparagus grows. In fact, we didn't. After the asparagus started growing last summer, I saw some new spears and I just couldn't resist snapping off a few and eating them right in the garden. But after doing a little research, I found out that I shouldn't have done that. You see, growing asparagus is a lesson in patience. You really have to allow 3 years before you can enjoy the bounty.
Asparagus is a perennial plant. It pops up out of the ground from its root mass after being dormant all winter. You can harvest a limited amount of spears in the second year after planting. If the spears are not harvested, they develop into large ferns which manufacture and store energy in the crown for next year's crop.
This is what our asparagus looked like last fall after growing all summer. After several frosts, the foliage turned brown and Leo mowed it to the ground.
And today, we saw the first evidence that it's growing again. Hooray! Spring is on its way at the Crossroads!
Mine shot up before march 1st! Don't remember this in Kansas before. It's the third year,we've already enjoyed about a 1/2#!
Spring IS on its way! There is something so rewarding about planting something and seeing it grow! Wishing you a bountiful harvest 🙂
Great image of your asparagus coming up. I can remember as a young girl cutting it along the railroad tracks where my grandparents lived. Thanks and thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a message.
I think roasted asparagus is my all time favorite veggie. Your gardens are to die for.
I envy your wonderful garden space and garden. I shall just enjoy seeing what you grow and harvest. I still have, bookmarked, Leo's post on collards.
Thanks for sharing your garden with us,
Have a great weekend, Ginger
We love asparagus! We have a small garden. I wish we had planted some too!
I love asparagus and did not know they grew that way. I guess that is what an asparagus fern comes from which I have in a large urn outside. It finally turned brown after the last cold snap.
How fabulous! I started some last year, but hubby forgot where it was and plowed it into the ground. So, this year I'm going to put some in a steel container. Hopefully in another 3 years I'll be able to eat some! The ultimate lesson in patience, I think!
Jean Windham
Jane how exciting. I have never grown asparagus and neither did my parents but I love to eat it. I hope you have good luck growing it. Jean
An asparagus patch is really a labour of love and patience. We have a small one - just enough for one really good feast of asparagus...but, oh, do we enjoy it!
Linda A. Young
Oh, I love asparagas, I eat it raw while I'm preparing it, and I like to saute it in a small amount of olive oil and herbs. Did you send for it ? Hope yours does well this year and you get to eat a little of it! Love your raised beds!
I used to live in Charleston, back when I was a young Navy wife!
Have a happy gardening season!
Be blessed! Linda
Pat@Back Porch Musings
We absolutely love asparagus! It is not only a beautiful plant it is delicious!
Our neighbors planted asparagus a few years ago and I'm looking forward to them harvesting some soon. They always share! Enjoy your day!
Shirley@Housepitality Designs
Oh that the "asparagus fern" we buy at the garden center...I used to have lots of it in my yard in Florida..Love reading about your garden...I learn something from each post!
Asparagus grows wild here in our roadside ditches. We can collect a truck bed full in a couple of day. So great that you have it growing right in your garden.
Did not know asparagus required so much patience. Makes me appreciate its goodness all the more.
ummm I'd love to plant it, but oh Lord that would mean digging up more garden space...I don't think my back can take it!!
I need to check on my asparagus. There is nothing better than fresh asparagus. I planted cabbages yesterday. We are to get three more inches of rain tomorrow-we have already had 19 inches or so this month-I do wish it would dry out some.
It's always exciting to see something new pushing it's way out of the ground! I love asparagus and there are so many ways to make it! Yum!
Rita Cagle
Hey, thanks for the info. Need to plant me some.
I love fresh asparagus! I hope yours does well this year.
Sweet Bee Cottage
Oh my stars! I adore asparagus. I'm not sure how it would do in our climate, but it looks pretty as it grows its food for the next season. Hmmmm......I can be patient. I'll have to check into how it would do here in central California. In the meantime, will you eat some for me?
Barbara F.
Looking forward to your bounty this year, and I am sure you will be sharing some tasty recipes. xo
Nana Diana
Oh- we so love asparagus. My sister-in-law had a huge bed of it. She sold her house and moved but the ground was frozen or I would have dug some up for planting at my own house. We cannot plant anything outside here until after Memorial Day (Green Bay, WI)...there's a reason they call it The Frozen Tundra. Hugs- Diana
Lavender Dreams
We had asparagus in our flower bed in NC....a welcome site in the Spring! Nothing tastes better than fresh from the garden...or flower bed! I started something new this week! I hope you can stop by and see...just go down 2 posts! I would appreciate your thoughts! Hugs! ♥♥♥