Are you as crazy about succulents as I am? Today I'm going to show you how to plant succulents into a strawberry pot. Aside from growing strawberries, a strawberry pot is ideal for growing succulents.

Various types of succulents look so interesting growing in those little side pockets as well as out of the top. But there is a little trick that I'm going to share with you to show you how to get your succulents to grow better if you plant them in this kind of pot.
Here is one of my strawberry pots that's been sitting outside all summer-empty! I had removed the pansies that I grew in them last winter and I never got around to replanting any summer annuals in them.
I have so many creative and fun DIY garden containers worth making.
Step 1 - Prep your Strawberry Pot
The first thing is that you need to do is remove any old soil from the pot and rinse it out with a mild bleach solution. My pot has a large drainage hole in the bottom and it is imperative that any pot that you put succulents into has good drainage because succulents do not like wet feet!
Step 2 - Cut and Drill PVC
Now here's the trick. Cut a length of one inch PVC pipe about equal to the height of your pot. Drill some holes into the pipe spacing them about 1-2 inches apart.
(You don't have to be exact about the holes-just get plenty of holes in the pipe!) This watering tube is going to allow you to water your succulents gently, and it will ensure that each plant, especially the ones in the pockets, receives adequate water.
Set your watering tube aside until you are ready for it.
Step 3 - Buy or Repurpose Existing Succulents
I did not have to purchase any new succulents because I had a number of them that had out-grown their small pots.
And I had even more that needed to come out of this planter that they've been in for a year or so. I can't really tell you all the varieties other than hens and chicks because many of them have been given to me.
Some of my larger ones were looking very messy with all the dead outer leaves on them.
I just use my fingers to remove the dead leaves in order to tidy up the plant and make it appear more attractive.
Step 4 - Soil for Succulents
Now, the type of soil that you plant your succulents in is very important. You can purchase a specialized soil mixture or you can make your own by mixing 2 parts sand, one part compost, and one part potting soil.
Step 6 - Arranging the Soil
When you are ready to plant, place a piece of pottery, a screen, or a coffee filter over the drainage hole in the bottom of the pot. Scoop some soil into the pot until it fills the lowest openings.
Position your watering tube in the center but don't push it all the way to the bottom. Place a piece of paper towel into the top of the tube to prevent soil from getting down into the tube as you continue to add soil.
Step 7 - Plant Succulents in the Side Pockets
You can plant the side pockets as you go or you can wait until you fill the entire pot with soil.
Important Tips
Make sure you leave the watering tube exposed about 1 inch above the soil. As these plants grow, it will be obscured but you will know it's there. Now you're ready to water your plants by gently adding some water through the tube.
See, you can hardly see the tube in this photo! Another thing about growing succulents is not to over-water them. Always stick your finger into the soil about one inch down and see it the soil is dry.
If it is, then it's time to water. You can fertilize your plants occasionally with a very diluted houseplant fertilizer. In the wintertime, they will do well in full sun, but during the summer succulents like a little shade during part of the day.
Fun With Succulents
I am really fortunate in South Carolina that I can leave my succulents outside almost year round. The only time I move them inside is when we are expecting a hard freeze. I keep my succulents on the dry side during the winter so that they can tolerate colder temperatures. I don't know if you've ever noticed but succulents turn a beautiful color in winter sun and cooler temperatures.
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