I made this new gingerbread sign for the kitchen this weekend, and it turned out so cute that I just had to share it with you. You may remember that I have used a gingerbread theme in our kitchen when decorating for Christmas for the past few years.

I had been thinking that I wanted a new sign to sit on the shelf that's over the range. I usually make my own signs, but one day on Facebook I saw where The Stencilsmith had a new gingerbread stencil available.
Well, that was back in October and I ordered it. But I have just now gotten around to using the stencil! I taped it down on an inexpensive 12x16 canvas. (It would work just as well on a piece of wood, but since I was going to prop the sign on the shelf, I wanted something very lightweight.)
I am no stranger to the process of stenciling, that's for sure! I was stenciling designs on the walls of my house back in the 80s (yes, I'm that old!) I still have my set of stencil brushes left over from back in the day! But just in case you are new to this, all you need is some acrylic craft paint, a small and a medium sized stencil brush, and a paper towel. Pour a small amount of paint in a paper plate and dab the end of your stencil brush into the paint. The blot the brush onto the paper towel to remove most of the paint. Using swirly motions, just apply the paint inside the design.
The trick to stenciling is to use as little paint as possible so that it doesn't run under the stencil. I also hold the stencil down with my other hand while working.
The stencil I ordered came with an overlay to put the details on the gingerbread boy.
Within just a few minutes, I had a new gingerbread kitchen sign, and I'm lovin' it!
And I have to show you my new gingerbread tea towel, too! Decorating for Christmas is so much fun!
phyllis panza
Jane, love it; my sister decorates her kitchen w/gingerbread. where can I get the stencil. It looks real good what u did. Im more for snowmen. love them. hope you and Leo have a very merry Christmas.
thank you .
I'm obsessed with anything gingerbread! I even have a gingerbread board (Ginger❤️ ) on Pinterest. I too stenciled my heart out on my walls in Ohio. That was the thing then. I love your kitchen sign. I just might purchase that stencil and make my own kitchen sign for next year. This year I have snowman decor. Next year it will be gingerbread for sure. I'm going to search your blog for your ginger inspiration! Merry Christmas!
Jane Windham
Thanks so much Nancie! You can find the gingerbread kitchen decor by clicking on the HOLIDAYS tab at the top of the blog and then click on Christmas. You'll even find some snowmen there, too! Merry Christmas!